in bec
The Governing Body has an important part to play in raising school standards. We set the strategic direction for the school, ensure financial accountability and monitor and evaluate school performance. Our role is often described as acting as ‘a critical friend’; we support and challenge the school to attain the best possible performance and to give all our pupils the best possible education.
We fulfil statutory duties to ensure that the school is a safe, healthy and inclusive environment. We provide support and challenge to the school leadership on all issues that affect the learning and welfare of our pupils. We have responsibility for agreeing policies and procedures essential to the operation of the school. We also have a responsibility to handle complaints, though it is important to note that individual problems should first be directed to your child’s teacher and then to the Head Teacher.
The Governing Body is drawn from the parents, staff of the school, and the wider community that Kexborough Primary School. Staff governors and parent governors are appointed via elections. Other governors are appointed on the basis of the knowledge, skills and experience they possess.
The full Governing Body meets at least three times a year, and sub-committees dealing with Resources (staffing and finance) and Educational Effectiveness each meet at least three times a year.
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor or in the work we do and would like to find out more or have any other questions, please contact the school. You can also write to the Chair of the Governing Body, Mrs Amanda Fletcher, via our school office or email [email protected]
Please click on the links below for more information.
Governors Information
Governors Attendance
The Governing Body has an important part to play in raising school standards. We set the strategic direction for the school, ensure financial accountability and monitor and evaluate school performance. Our role is often described as acting as ‘a critical friend’; we support and challenge the school to attain the best possible performance and to give all our pupils the best possible education.
We fulfil statutory duties to ensure that the school is a safe, healthy and inclusive environment. We provide support and challenge to the school leadership on all issues that affect the learning and welfare of our pupils. We have responsibility for agreeing policies and procedures essential to the operation of the school. We also have a responsibility to handle complaints, though it is important to note that individual problems should first be directed to your child’s teacher and then to the Head Teacher.
The Governing Body is drawn from the parents, staff of the school, and the wider community that Kexborough Primary School. Staff governors and parent governors are appointed via elections. Other governors are appointed on the basis of the knowledge, skills and experience they possess.
The full Governing Body meets at least three times a year, and sub-committees dealing with Resources (staffing and finance) and Educational Effectiveness each meet at least three times a year.
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor or in the work we do and would like to find out more or have any other questions, please contact the school. You can also write to the Chair of the Governing Body, Mrs Amanda Fletcher, via our school office or email [email protected]
Please click on the links below for more information.
Governors Information
Governors Attendance